Smart Cities – The Stadium ‘Island’ is the Best Test Bed
One of the next big targets of the digital age is the city. The combination of technology paired with physical infrastructure and services can simplify the lives of residents. That’s the promise of the smart city.
Yet an island – not a city per se – is where you prove evolution. The Galapagos confirmed Darwin’s theory and islands now have the opportunity to lead development in IoT. Jersey, for example, are taking great strides forward in their smart agenda. A smaller land mass requires smaller investment whilst delivering higher impact outcomes.
Within major populations a high-density environment provides access to a cross section of society on a frequent basis. It is here where the role of stadia comes in as a genuine test bed for smart city deployments. If you are a university, a start-up or an established supplier who wants to showcase the art of the possible it makes good business sense to prove what is possible in an island rather than a city.
From the stadium perspective this brings significant benefits, including:
- Heightened fan experience through innovation
- Competitive edge over local stadia through a point of differentiation
- An ability to access this advantage at below market rate in exchange for your test bed status
With technology firmly on everyone’s road map in the stadia world, look towards your smart city, your local authority, your universities and start to unlock the art of the possible.